X-rated には未成年禁止のらくがきが置いてあります。男女・男男・SMと何でもアリです。その系統の絵が苦手な方は絶対に入場しないで下さい。興味本位で入場されると間違いなく後悔します。後悔されてからでは遅いです。そして後悔されてからの苦情はお受け致しかねます。

The X rated zone has many indecent, obscene fanarts(>_<). So, foreign people who don't get used to Japanese fan fiction websites or dojinshi comics will be shocked very much if they enter the page.
Have you ever seen Japanese fan fiction websites or dojinshi comics?
Can you permit even if you see a picture which shows Athos and Aramis having sex? Or can you permit even if you see a picture which shows Athos and Duke Buckingham having sex? ( It's homosexuality. )

How to enter ?
下記の閲覧申し込みフォームに必要事項をご記入の上、木魚までお送り下さい。折り返し X-rated ページのアドレスをメールでお送りします。

Please fill in the application in the form below, and transmit it.
Then you get an address of X-rated zone by email.

    閲覧申し込み An entering the X-rated zone application

If you have any troubles, please tell me it by email.

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